195 District Park Pavilion

Rendering of the 195 District Park Pavilion looking southwest


The 195 District Park Pavilion (Pavilion) is an 3,500-SF amenity featuring year-round dining, public bathrooms, and support space for park operations. The project will also include infrastructure upgrades to the park (e.g., WIFI service, grading and drainage improvements, and electrical upgrades). The Pavilion is intended to activate the park year-round, serve as an amenity for park users and the surrounding community, and support the 195 District’s economic development goals.

A presentation by ARO regarding their design submission for final plan review can be found at this link. 

Review the District’s presentation from the January 2022 City of Providence Ward 1 meeting for more project background.


1.     What is the purpose of the Pavilion?
The Pavilion will provide year-round food and beverage concessions to park users and the surrounding community, as well as provide bathrooms for the public, storage space for the park, and a small office for park staff. It will also be an additional revenue stream to support park operations. A permanent food and beverage facility was a key recommendation of the 2019 park operation plan developed by Biederman Redevelopment Ventures, who is best known for their work on New York City’s Bryant Park.
2.     Has an operator been selected for the Pavilion?
The District has selected a partnership between local Rhode Island companies, The Guild and Seven Stars Bakery, to operate the food and beverage service in the pavilion. A press release regarding these operators can be found at this link

3.     Where will the Pavilion be located within the park?
The Pavilion will be located at the confluence of the Ship Street and Elbow Street paths, on the west side of the park. The location was selected after significant site studies undertaken by pavilion architect, Architecture Research Office (ARO), and multiple community meetings. Utile, the District's on-call design consultant, has issued a memo regarding their review of the proposed pavilion location. This memo can be found at this link. A shadow study from ARO related to site selection can be found at the following link

Pavilion location

4.     How large is the Pavilion?
The pavilion is approximately 3,500 square feet.
5.     How is Pavilion design and construction funded?
A protion of the funds for the Pavilion were provided by the “Beach, Clean Water, and Green bond” approved by the voters in a special election held in March of 2021.
6.     Has this Pavilion been considered for any development locations abutting Park, such as Parcel 14?
The Green Bond funds will only permit the District to utilize these funds for infrastructure improvements in the park.
7.     What has the community engagement process look like?
The District and ARO hosted multiple community meetings during the design process. A survey was also circulated which garnered over 120 responses and informed the building design, siting and program. 

8.  Who are the project team members?
The District has hired the following consultants to assist with this project; the operator has not yet been selected:

  • Architecture & Engineering Services: Architecture Research Office (ARO), an award-winning firm with significant experience designing park pavilions. A press release regarding the selection of ARO can be found at this link
  • Landscape Architect: Agency Landscape + Planning is serving as the landscape architect as a sub-consultant to ARO.
  • Restaurant consultant: Agora Partners, a placemaking consultancy specializing in parks, with an expertise in park food and beverage programming. The lead principal was primary author of the Biederman Redevelopment Ventures (BRV) plan for Innovation District Park while at BRV.
  • Owner’s Project Manager: Collier’s Project Leaders, a national comprehensive real estate firm with a Providence office.
  • Civil & Environmental Engineer: Fuss & O’Neill, a national engineering firm with a Providence office.
  • Food & Beverage Operator: A partnership between local companies The Guild and Seven Stars Bakery. 
  • Contractor: Shawmut Design and Construction a national firm with a Providence office. 


  • Early 2022: Architect selection
  • Winter 2022/2023: Restaurant operator outreach and selection
  • Summer 2022 – Fall 2023: design & community engagement
  • Fall2024: Construction commencement
  • Summer 2025: Construction complete

To receive updates related to the park Pavilion please email: questions@195district.com or submit your email address at the bottom of this page.